Today, Monster is the largest job search engine in the world, with over a million job postings at any time and over 150 millionresumes in the database (2008) and over 63 million job seekers per month. The company employs approximately 5,000 employees in 36 countries."
So, what does this mean for you?
This website is a college graduates dream. It makes it easy for you to search jobs based on a variety of categories, create a profile with your personal information along with the ability to showcase your fantastic skills for employers, helps you build resumes and write cover letters, and so much more!
True Story:
My mom hadn't updated her Monster profile in over 10 years. She had been working at Computer Sciences Corporation ever since I was 2 years old because it was her first office job and she just felt comfortable there, but she was finally feeling like she needed some change. One day she got an email from a recruiter telling her they found her profile on Monster and decided they wanted to hire her.
Now, what are you waiting for?
Go out there and update your profile! I just recently updated my profile and have already gotten asked my employers to set up interviews. The opportunities are endless! With unemployment rates rising, we need all the help we can get. Let work for you and guide you through the terrifying process of stepping into the "real world."
Good Luck!
Peace & Love,