The search is on.
It's finally 2010 and that means a lot of things for me. First things first, I need to find a job. I'm currently looking for anything in the education field, but I'm not closing myself into that box only. My dream is to become a high school Spanish teacher. I am applying to things like Teach for America and Teaching Fellows, and I'm looking into teaching assistant jobs or private school teaching. But if that doesn't work out, I am still looking at other jobs in corporate America. I could see myself developing a team or working in HR or doing some kind of training work - kind of like what my mom does. That's how Avalos women do it. I'll be sure to keep you updated with all of my job searching adventures.
Now, after this summer, unfortunately it doesn't look like I can have a nice relaxing year at home with my mom. She's kicking me out. She says she wants me to enjoy life and be able to live on my own. I personally think that it's going to be near impossible for me to find an apartment right after college but I'm trying my best to just cooperate for now. My mom said she'd help me out so I'll bite. Here's one apartment complex I'm looking into: Nice huh?

The truth is though, I really am looking forward to living out of the house and starting a real life. Sure bills are a pain and being alone will be scary, but honestly, if I'm a teacher and I have to come home and grade papers, my mom's gonna drive me nuts. Let the apartment search begin!
I'm looking forward to life post graduation, but of course I'm gonna live up these last 4 months. Let's just hope they go as smoothly as planned. Gonna keep up the good work on my grades, work on my applications, and make sure I'm ending my college career on a good note. 2010, the Year of the Avalos.
Peace & Love,
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