"Beggin' on your knees"

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So I was listening to Victoria Justice's new song "Beggin' on your knees" today and it got me to thinkin'. Do guys ACTUALLY care if you try to get revenge on them?

A lot of girls have this feeling that if a guy breaks your heart, you can do something (which honestly I don't know what that is) that will get them to beg for forgiveness. Well, I don't buy it anymore. As a girl I can admit without shame that I too was once one of those girls that thought the cold shoulder or playing hard to get worked on the "men" folk. Honestly though, I can't say the success rate was all that high - maybe 63%? However, could you also argue that guys are just as good at pretending they don't care as girls are? Maybe they've outsmarted our game and can pretend even better than us! Either way, I think it's a waste of time trying to play those games.

Furthermore, I think it's time that we start talking about our feelings more instead of being so passive aggressive. Holding all that emotion inside is exhausting! I'm tired of pretending not to care or trying to send subtle messages that these boys just aren't getting. I'm trying to force myself to just be more upfront about my feelings with other people. I can't decide if completely avoiding them is just as helpful or not (probably not) but I'm also on the road of "Let's just pretend this didn't happen and move on with our lives." In general I've been a pretty big supporter of repression, and I'm not saying it works for everyone, but for me it just might. Sometimes if I repress long enough I just forget about it all together. Is this working for you?

Look, the bottom line is let's women try to stop plotting our revenge and instead be upfront with these guys that break our hearts and then forgive them and forgive yourself! This daunting feeling of holding on isn't worth our time, and frankly, the 21st century woman has way too much keeping them busy already that boy trouble is an unnecessary stress.

In the spirit of Tacos,

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