One Angry Taco

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Coming from a family of angry jalapeño type people, it's hard to keep those emotions down.

Lately I've been struggling with my anger. I think through the stress of my daily life these days, the added pressure is causing me to me emotionally unstable at times. I feel like I just burst out with anger out of nowhere and it takes quite some time for those fumes to cool off. So I've been thinking about it and I wanted to look more into what Anger really was.

According to Wikipedia:
"Anger is an automatic response to ill treatment. It is the way a person indicates he or she will not tolerate certain types of behaviour. It is a feedback mechanism in which an unpleasant stimulus is met with an unpleasant response." 

Hmm, a "response to ill treatment." That makes sense because that's a huge trigger for me, and usually what results in my anger these days. Lately I've been feeling super defensive about a lot of personal and family issues, and I think that hostility is what has been building up inside of me. So how do I deal with it? Let's turn to Google again.

According to WebMD, I've picked out a few steps that I'm going to try to do more often:

"If you have trouble realizing when you are having angry thoughts, keep a log of when you feel angry."
I've been keeping a tweeting record of my anger spurts, but I think that might be counterproductive. I'm gonna try a notebook or notepad from now on.

"Seek out the support of others. Talk through your feelings and try to work on changing your behaviors."
This is something I've always had trouble with - reaching out to others. I'm going to try not to keep it bottled up inside and trust my friends enough to have conversations with them about what's troubling me.

"Learn how to laugh at yourself and see humor in situations." 
Lately I've been taking things way too personally. While sometimes there are valid reasons for this reaction, I need to not immediately resort to that anger and instead step back and make sure I'm not being irrationally angry.

Lesson of the day: step back, analyze situations in more depth, and laugh a little more than I already do. I'm going to work on it, I'll let you know how it's going [most likely via Twitter, let's be real here].

In the spirit of Tacos,

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