For all those born in the 80's

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I found this picture on some website about people who were born in the 80s

WOW, crazy right?! Talk about things that make you feel old.
I definitely remember all of these things. It's so fun to think about how quickly the world changes and how easy it is to forget what life was like before we had the luxuries that technology has brought us. I will definitely be first to admit how much I take for granted having things like a cell phone, and iPad, a computer, etc. Not only that, but things like running water, a roof over my head, food on my table...

Seeing this picture made me reflect on how blessed I truly am, and regardless of the hardships I find myself in, I have to remind myself that I need to be grateful for the life I can live thanks to my hard working parents and the country I live in. 

Take a moment and think about it, and be thankful

In the spirit of tacos,

1 comment:

  1. Color cartoons and amusement parks predate the 80s.
