Conquering my Fears

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Today, I conquered my fear of injections. Now, I'm not saying that I won't ever be afraid to get my blood drawn again, but I certainly made it through today and I consider that a win.  So let me tell you what happened:

First today, I had to go to the Dental Surgeon to have a talk about my wisdom teeth surgery. I'm really not all that afraid of the removal of my teeth, I'm actually more afraid of the IV I get to put myself to sleep! They assured me that I'd get some laughing gas first to kinda make me loopy and then they'd stick me, which is fine and dandy, but still I shed a couple of tears in fear =/

Then, I was freaking out, because I was on my way to Kaiser for my blood tests.  The doctor's was like 2 minutes away from the dentist so I was really scared because my time was coming soon. I got in, the laboratory is right by the door, I check in, and I wait, Hyperventilating of course...thankfully my Dad came with me, he brought me tissues for my tears and hugged me and consoled me. He got a special lady to take my blood out, as she is the mother of a kid who plays on my brother's soccer team. They call me in.

I get into the room and I'm freaking out of course, as I can see many others getting their blood drawn too.  I sit down on the chair and the lady starts talking to me. I hate it when they talk to me because I know they're just distracting me and I don't wanna be distracted, I hate not being in control of a situation and I feel so vulnerable when I take out my blood. I grab my dad around the neck and squeeze him and breathe breathe breathe...

Next thing I know, DONE! I barely felt the needle (she told me she used the baby needle) and it took a total of 20 seconds tops. I was so relieved! This lady is truly amazing at what she does, because the last time I did this the lady got mad at me and was hurting me sooo so bad. But no, I breezed through it this time around and it felt great.

So there you have it, the day I'd been dreading for days, and it was over in no time. I'm so happy I did it too because the tests are being done for my MRI on Monday which hopefully will tell me what the heck is wrong with my knee! So then I can be off to work again to make some mula! 

I made it, and I'm happy :)
Peace & Love,

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