"No, I didn't stalk you. It was on my news feed. Get over yourself."

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This just might be the best fan page on facebook that I have ever joined. Why? Because it's probably my #1 pet peeve of my facebook friends (a close second to people who say I'm addicted to the internet, when in reality, EVERYONE in our generation is).

So when I'm browsing facebook, and going through my newsfeed, usually I'll run into something that I "like." Sometimes, this is a post that has literally just been posted, but if I just read it and I like it, why would I wait? So naturally, I click the "like" button and I move on. No big deal right? Well apparently it is, because one of the most overwhelming responses I'll get is that I'm "stalking" people. Really? And since when were you important enough for me to stalk you? Oh that's right, never. Now, I'm not saying that I hate these people, and usually the statuses or posts that I'm "liking" are of some of my closest friends. But even then, just because I liked it or I ran across something from your page on your newsfeed, does NOT mean I'm stalking you. GET OVER YOURSELF. Besides, you are getting into a much larger issue that could be brought up, which is the fact that if you have a facebook you are most likely to be "stalked" because frankly, you're putting all of your information out there! It's like someone updating their foursquare and then getting creeped out when people know exactly where you were last night - Hello! You told us! Are you picking up what I'm putting down?

Anyway, I just thought I'd share my frustration, and officially tell all of you out there that NO, I'm not stalking you. You're not that important.

Peace & Love,

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