It's finally here.
I look forward to the World Cup every 4 years more than I have looked forward to my own high school and college graduations - yes, it's THAT serious. Soccer runs deep in the veins of the Avalos family, and it is ingrained in our heads from the day we are born that soccer is something we are supposed to love and cherish. Most of our first baby clothes were usually soccer related with a little jersey or baby soccer cleats. And of course we all played soccer when we were little. Most of us kept with it, some of the family members dropped out, like my little brother Erick for example, because he honestly just wasn't good at it. While obviously we were upset, we are an open family so there were no hard feelings towards Erick. He picked up American Football and Basketball instead - as long as he's active that's alright!
Did you know that my Grandpa used to play professional soccer for Guatemala? Yes, that was back in Emilio Avalos' golden years. So it should come as no shock that we are so incredibly invested in this sport. I personally played most of my life, ranging from all kinds of positions, but mainly I was best at defense. I'm more about roughness than I am with accuracy, so being a defender always felt right. Towards the end of my soccer career however I became a goalie. Probably one of the best decisions I ever made because I was a natural at it. My biggest strength is protection, so basically if anyone even dared get near that goal I basically treated it like it was my newborn child. I was an animal! Good times...
So as we go into World Cup 2010 I am a die hard supporter of the Red, White, & Blue. Amurrika baby. Honestly I have a lot of faith in them and I will stick with them through thick and through thin! However, a very close second favorite of mine is Germany. My love for Germany's soccer team goes way way back to my high school years, and I'm still in love. Those will be my two main boys this year, but I'm also excited about Spain, Italy, Argentina, and Portugal. Brazil can honestly get out of my face, I'm tired of all the bandwagon fans that only like them because supposedly they are the "best ones." Pick a real team to love, mkay thanks. #rudeIknow
There's my World Cup 2 cents. Let's go USA!
Peace & Love,
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