The Art of Big Sister-ing

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(This is Erick on the left, Junior on the right, and my mom stabbing us with smore sticks behind us haha)

As I get older and my two brothers get older I've learned more and more about the precious Art of Big Sister-ing. Being the oldest in the family is definitely a challenge as you try to be a role model but still be the "cool sister" and help your siblings grow. I am realizing now though, that this job is a lot harder than I ever thought it was...

Erick, the youngest, 10 years old, has a few problems. His self-confidence is lacking and he is a little chubby. Trying to motivate someone for problems that you personally have is not easy. As a sister you only want the best for them, and you'll do anything you can for them. But how do you give a 10 year old self confidence when they don't even know how to spell it, much less understand it?

Junior, the middle child, 13 years old, is a little trouble maker. The principal's office is like his second home and detention is playtime for him. I'm definitely learning that I don't know what goes on in the mind of a 13 year old boy. He wants to be a good kid, but he just gets tangled up with the wrong people. That happened to me when I was in 7th grade, I was a bad egg and it wasn't until I dropped my loser friends that I actually got my act together. But how do you explain to a 13 year old that they need to make a grown up decision like that?

I don't know if I'm doing a good job because honestly I'm struggling to keep these boys in check. Also, you have to realize the boundaries between what you can do as a big sister, and what the parents are supposed to do. I know my mom means well, but I can definitely understand where my brothers are coming from when she starts to act all crazy. Been there done that. I guess that's how life works though, you figure it out as it comes to you. Not much you can prepare for eh?

So, any advice?

Peace & Love,

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